Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012

Die zweite Deutschstunde (18.10.)

Grüß Gott!

Am Donnerstag haben wir begonnen, mit dem Kursbuch zu arbeiten.
On Thursday we started working with our course book.

We did listening comprehension (Hören) with page 8, dialogue "Praktikant in Deutschland". We also did the grammar exercise on page 8 ("Grammatik auf einen Blick: Verben").
We also listened to the dialogues on page 10 and did all the exercises, including "Grammatik auf einen Blick: Verben". Thus, we now have our first verb conjugations.

Furthermore, we found out the following rules (=Regeln):
1. In Ja/Nein-Fragen steht das Verb auf Position 1.
2. In Antworten (und W-Fragen) steht das Verb auf Position 2.
(N.B.: W-Fragen are the questions starting with a question-word with "w", like "Woher", "Wo", "Wie", ...)

Finally, we listened to the numbers 1-10 (cf. p. 11 of the book "Die Adresse von Anne").

Please do the following home exercises:
1. Write (simple) sample sentences with the verb "studieren" in all forms. (ich - du - er/sie - wir - ihr - sie).
2. Go again through the numbers 1-10 and prepare the rest of the numbers (till 100) with the follwoing website:

Another useful web-link: LEO, a quite reliable online dictionary:

Viel Spaß!

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